Posted by Lawrence Russell on Friday, November 27, 2009 Under: ghost-of
The photos from the trek have been downloaded to the PC, panoramic shots have been stitched and processed and the photos of the day uploaded into appropriate folders on the File Manager, pending production of pages. Single photos that make up the stitched results have been removed from the site to keep the loading on the data limit to a minimum.
Ninja photographer, editor, web designer, programmer and the maniac who started all this off in the first place almost a decade ago!
I just can't let this project slip because I feel so strongly about the complacency of the people of the UK in their need to destroy, remove and replace perfectly serviceable buildings (albeit with a little care and attention to detail). Most of these buildings could be pressed easily into alternative useage and easily modernised rather than replaced, such is the strength and longevity of Victorian Architecture.
Where most of today's structures have a life of just 35 years at the very most, The Victorians considered that their creations were the last word in construction and would be there for a very long time to come.
So, when they disappear or are threatened with removal as so many of the abandoned structures in this project are/were, it is nice to have some sort of record of them, hence the undeniable purpose of my crusade.