1. Hints and Tips tab inserted at top of homepage
2. Hints and Tips page constructed with links to sub-pages
3. Preperation & research sub-page constructed
4. Clothing & Equipment sub-page constructed
5. On Site sub-page constructed
6. Links inserted into sub-pages to redirect to auxilliary websites
7. Jpeg images installed into sub-pages, compressed and resized
8. West Park page sets updated and expanded with more pictures
9. Pictures for West Park compressed and resized in File Manager and Picnic
10. Additional photos of Melbourne Street and Connaught House taken and uploaded to ghost-of
11. Connaught House photos stitched, compressed, resized and inserted into addendum for this page, covering demolition of the site.
12. Web Page constructed for Tram53 Project.
13. Pictures of Tram53 "found" have been resized and compressed and uploaded to the ghost-trains File Manager.
14. Pictures insrted into text.
15. Pictures of Tram53 in service uploaded to ghost-trains pending inclusion into site.
16. Tram53 Project button created and installed on ghost-trains home page with appropriate links, tested and works fine.
In : Update for site building.