Posted by Lawrence Russell on Wednesday, December 23, 2009
I have discovered and corrected a glitch in the "Future Projects" page. When anyone tried to return to ghost-of homepage from this page, they ended up at some strange domain registration site. The link has been fixed and works as it should do.
The future projects page has been updated to include details of the "Past2Present" and "Tram53" projects. A web page for the Tram53 project will be constructed in due course.
Additional pictures have been added to West Park Internal page.
Additional pictures have been added to West Park External page.
Page constructed detailing the wards at West Park along with various freaky pictures and strange rooms etc.
All photos used in the West Park pages so far have been condensed where appropriate to aid loading speeds.
The demolition of Connaught House in Melbourne Street, Brighton has commenced. Photos taken 22/12/09 have been stitched and uploaded to the site, pending addition into the Melbourne Street page.
I am currently working on a draft of a page for Hints and Tips for ghost-of, which is being assembled in Word and Dreamweaver and will be uploaded to the site once I am satisfied with the results.